

  1. definition
  2. examples and/or illustrations
  3. other useful sources
  4. bibliography



  1. a person or animal that migrates.
  2. Also called migrant worker. a person who moves from place to place to get to work, especially a farm laborer who harvests crops seasonally.
  3. (adj) habitually moving from place to place especially in search of seasonal work; “appalled by the social conditions of migrant life”; “migratory workers”

The Free Dictionary http://www.thefreedictionary.com/migrant  Accessed 15/03/2012

  1. A person or animal that moves from one region, place or country to another
  2. An itinerant agricultural worker who travels from one district to another
  3. Chiefly (Austral)
    1. An immigrant, esp. a recent one
    2. (as modifier): a migrant hostel
  4. (adj) moving from one region, place, or country to another; migratory

Dictionary.com  http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/migrant  Accessed 15/03/2102

  1. One that moves from one region to another by chance, instinct, or plan.
  2. An itinerant worker who travels from one area to another in search of work
  3. A person who (1) belongs to a normally migratory culture who may cross national boundaries, or (2) has fled his or her native country for economic reasons rather than fear of political or ethnic persecution.

Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005. http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/dod_dictionary/data/m/11456.html  Accessed 15/03/2012


Examples and/or Illustrations

Used in a sentence:

“At the international level, no universally accepted definition for “migrant” exists. The term migrant was usually understood to cover all cases where the decision to migrate was taken freely by the individual concerned for reasons of “personal convenience” and without intervention of an external compelling factor; it therefore applied to persons, and family members, moving to another country or region to better their material or social conditions and improve the prospect for themselves or their family. The United Nations defines migrant as an individual who has resided in a foreign country for more than one year irrespective of the causes, voluntary or involuntary, and the means, regular or irregular, used to migrate. Under such a definition, those travelling for shorter periods as tourists and businesspersons would not be considered migrants. However, common usage includes certain kinds of shorter-term migrants, such as seasonal farm-workers who travel for short periods to work planting or harvesting farm products.”

International Organisation for Migration. http://www.iom.int/jahia/Jahia/about-migration/key-migration-terms/lang/en#Immigration  Accessed 16/03/2012


Other Useful Sources

International Organisation for Migration http://www.iom.int/jahia/jsp/index.jsp

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development  http://stats.oecd.org/glossary/search.asp 



Dictionary.com  http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/migrant  Accessed 15/03/2102

Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005. http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/dod_dictionary/data/m/11456.html  Accessed 15/03/2012

International Organisation for Migration. http://www.iom.int/jahia/Jahia/about-migration/key-migration-terms/lang/en#Immigration  Accessed 16/03/2012

The Free Dictionary http://www.thefreedictionary.com/migrant  Accessed 15/03/2012

Portes, Alexandro “Immigration Theory for a New Century: Some Problems and Opportunities,” International Migration Review. Vol. 3, No. 4 (Winter, 1997): 799-825.


Other Related Terms: cross border migration; immigrant; mixed causes of migration; migration management