
Environmental Refugee

  1. definition
  2. examples and/or illustrations
  3. other useful sources
  4. bibliography



  1. people displaced as a result of environmental problems such as drought, soil erosion, desertification and deforestation… who can no longer gain a secure livelihood in their homelands because of these problems

 Climate Institute. http://www.climate.org/publications/environmental-refugees.html Accessed 29/03/2012

  1. person displaced owing to environmental causes, notably land loss and degradation, and natural disaster

United Nations Statistics Division http://unstats.un.org/unsd/environmentgl/gesform.asp?getitem=473 Accessed 29/03/2012

  1. those people who have been forced to leave their traditional habitat, temporarily or permanently, because of a marked environmental disruption (natural and/or triggered by people) that jeopardized their existence and/or seriously affected the quality of their life [sic]. By ‘environmental disruption’ in this definition is meant any physical, chemical, and/or biological changes in the ecosystem (or resource base) that render it, temporarily or permanently unsuitable to support human life.

El-Hinnawi, E. 1985. Environmental Refugees. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, 4

  1. those displaced temporarily due to local disruption such as an avalanche or earthquake; those who migrate because environmental degradation has under – mined their livelihood or poses unacceptable risks to health; and those who resettle because land degradation has resulted in desertification or because of other permanent and untenable changes in their habitat.

Jacobson, J. L. 1988. “Environmental Refugees: A yardstick of habitability”. Worldwatch Paper 86. Worldwatch Institute, Washington D.C., 37-8


Examples and/or Illustrations

Definitions with respect to “environmental refugees” generally have in common the fact that they do not distinguish whether the persons migrating or fleeing have crossed an international border.”


Other Useful Sources

Dun, Olivia, Francois Gemenne, Robert Stojanov. 2007. Environmentally Displaced Persons: Working Definitions for the EACH-FOR Project. Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) (Priority [8.1] – Policy-oriented research) of the European Commission.



Climate Institute. http://www.climate.org/publications/environmental-refugees.html Accessed 29/03/2012

El-Hinnawi, E. 1985. Environmental Refugees. United Nations Environment Programme, Nairobi, 4

Hyndman, Jennifer. 2011. Dual Disasters: Humanitarian Aid After the 2004 Tsunami. Sterling VA: Kumarian Press,

Jacobson, J. L. 1988. “Environmental Refugees: A yardstick of habitability”. Worldwatch Paper 86. Worldwatch Institute, Washington D.C., 37-8

McAdam, Jane. 2012.  Climate Change, Forced Migration and International Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

McAdam, Jane. 2010.  Climate Change and Displacement: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Oxford: Hart Publishing.

Renaud, Fabrice, Janos J. Bogardi, Olivia Dun, Koko Warner. 2007. “Control, Adapt or Flee: How to Face Environmental Migration?”  ‘Interdisciplinary Security ConnecTions’ Publication Series of United Nations University Institute of Environment Studies, Number 5, 13

Saul, Ben, Sherwood, Steven, McAdam, Jane, Stephens, Tim, Slezak, James. 2012. Climate Change and Australia: Warming to the Global Challenge. The Federation Press.

United Nations Statistics Division http://unstats.un.org/unsd/environmentgl/gesform.asp?getitem=473 Accessed 29/03/2012


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